Friday, April 1, 2011

Lucky Charm


Keeley is growing like a weed! Mama realized that she better start putting Miss Keeley Kay in outfits that she was saving for special events, before she grew out of them! For example, this darling Giraffe outfit, (given to Keeley Kay by Grandma Coni) was intended to be worn to her first trip to the Zoo. Mama couldn’t wait for the weather to be warm enough for the Zoo and had to let Keeley Kay wear it now!! Thank goodness she did…and boy doesn’t it look cute on her??

After a fun lunch at Red Robin, Keeley Kay went over to Aunt Shannon’s house to visit with new Cousin Shyler. There, the family took pictures and discussed what an AMAZING summer lil Shy and Keeley Kay are going to have together!!


The sun is out and winter is slowly fading away. BBQ time! Aunt Jessica and Uncle Joel hosted a fabulous family BBQ to celebrate Daddy’s Cousin Brandon’s birthday and bon voyage to Afghanistan to serve our country. This was also Keeley Kay’s first time meeting her Cousins Kaden and Kiley. They moved to Alaska when Keeley Kay was just a bean inside Mama. Grandma Coni was so excited to see Keeley Kay, but wanted her all to herself. Keeley Kay is a loved little girl and family gatherings leave Keeley Kay flushed from all the kisses.

Keeley Kay and Cousin Kiley

Keeley Kay and Jenna

Keeley Kay and Brandon

Kiley, Keeley Kay and Kaden

Grandma Keeley, Great Aunt Joey & Grandma Coni

Cousin Tyler

Great Aunt Cyntia

Cousin Ally

Grandma Coni & Grandpa Rob

Great Uncle Rich

Keeley Kay touching Cousin Bradly

Aunt Jessica



Happy St. Patty’s Day!!! The luck of the Irish is always with Keeley Kay and particularly on this day! Celebrating her ancestry and dressed like a little Colleen, went out to party Irish-style. First order of business: Aunt Shannon’s house. Keeley Kay took some photo ops, while Mama relaxed with a cold-green beer. That’s right. Green beer. Although Aunt Shannon had prepared a lovely Irish dinner, Mama and Daddy wanted to show off Keeley Kay’s amazing outfit. Keeley Kay rocked it at the bar. Smiling, laughing and taking in the sights. Keeley Kay was desperate to try some of Mama’s green beer, but that will have to wait for a few more St. Patrick’s Days (twenty more to be exact). For now she’ll settle for some green milk!

Grandma Keeley

Cousin Shissy

Cousin Shayden, Shissy & Keeley Kay

Uncle Bill

Cousin Shawn Shawn

Aunt Shannon, Cousins Shissy & Shyler

Grandpa & Grandma Keeley


Keeley Kay wants green beer


It was cold. It was rainy, but it was Mama and Grandma’s only day off. So, out they all went to Downtown Disney. Bundled up nice and warm Keeley Kay met Aunt Shannon, Uncle Bill, Cousin Shyler, Shayden and Shawn Shawn for lunch at Rainforest CafĂ©. Keeley Kay is fearless. As the thunder crashed, the lighting flashed and the monkey’s squealed, Keeley Kay remained calm and curious. It was sensory overload and Keeley Kay handled it like a champ. Maybe this is due the day to day volume level of her family. She loved watching the fish in the big tank and was delighted to play with the puppets. When lunch was over it was a full on rain and wind storm outside. No shopping. Mama booked it to the car with Keeley Kay giggling the whole way. Such a good girl, Keeley Kay proved once again that she is ready for any adventure Mama and Daddy throw her way.



Grandma Keeley and Aunt Shannon

Cousin Shawn, Poppa and Daddy

Aunt Shannon and the boyz


Looks like Keeley Kay is ready for a weekend in Paris.


Keeley Kay is 7 months old and she’s growing up quick. Look at how she sips from her sippy cup with ease and grace. What a big girl!


Whoa standing in her play pin! What a big month for Keeley Kay.


Enjoying some nice spring weather, Keeley Kay, Mama, Daddy and Grandma Keeley went to The Lab to walk around, take in the art, eat sushi and warm up by the fire.

This sweet baby doesn't need luck. Her sparkling personality and sense of adventure get bring her all the happiness and excitement one needs to make it in life.