Monday, January 3, 2011

Happiest Baby of All!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Its Keeley Kay’s first Christmas! Her Mama and Daddy wanted to make sure that Keeley Kay started the happiest season of all off right. Right after Thanksgiving Keeley Kay got to go to the Knott’s Berry Farm Crafts Village and meet Santa Claus for the first time! Mama dressed her like a little polar bear. Not only did Keeley Kay look very festive, but was warm enough to enjoy the lights, Christmas trees and all the winter festivities outside.

Keeley Kay meeting Santa
Mama, Daddy & Keeley Kay

Keeley Kay & her Daddy
Daddy, Mama & Keeley Kay

Mama, Keeley Kay & Daddy

Keeley Kay is pooped!


Keeley Kay spent the afternoon playing with her cousin Sarah and buddy Corrie at Aunt Carol’s and Uncle Johnny’s. There, Keeley Kay enjoyed watching Grandpa Keeley’s childhood train from the 1940’s!

Keeley Kay, Aunt Carol & Uncle Johnny

Keeley Kay & Cousin Sarah

Keeley Kay & Corrie

Keeley Kay playing w/ Sarah & Corrie

Grandpa Keeley & Keeley Kay watching his boyhood train


The first Christmas party of the season started with the Hall Family Christmas at Grandma Coni’s. Keeley Kay was surrounded by aunts, uncles and cousins that just wanted to shower her with love. Needless to say, she was very spoiled. The party was loud, busy and full of holiday cheer! Keeley Kay loves to be with family and loves to party even more, so the Hall Family Christmas Party was a great way to kick off the holiday festivities.

Family Picture

Daddy, Mama & Keeley Kay

Grandpa & Grandma Keeley w/ Keeley Kay

Grandma Coni w/her boys & grandbaby

Hall Family

Abasta Family

Cousin Tyler & Travis

Ilich Family

Keeley Kay & Uncle Joel

Keeley Kay meeting Cousin Bradly

Mama and Keeley Kay

Keeley Kay & her Cousins

The Party


After a good night’s sleep Keeley Kay was ready to party again at the Drew Christmas Party. Keeley Kay and Mama rocked pink Santa hats while enjoying a night in with friends. Keeley Kay must have had an invisible mistletoe hanging over her head, because she was kissed, squeezed and loved all night long by Mama and Daddy’s bestest friends. Keeley Kay also got to spend some time with her buddy Kieran while Mama and Daddy gazed on proudly.

Mama & Keeley Kay in their PINK hats

Keeley Kay & Marek

Keeley Kay is one of the Girls now

Keeley Kay & Elise

Keeley Kay w/ Zach & Elise

Keeley Kay w/ the Mandaus

Keeley Kay, Mama & Daddy
Keeley Kay & Kieran

Keeley Kay & Charlene

Keeley Kay & the Boys

Keeley Kay using Kieran's seat


Monday Night Football and Tacos!! Keeley Kay enjoyed some quality time with the Ashers!

Keeley Kay w/ Derrik & Arlen


Keeley Kay found her FEET!!! What an exciting day!

Keeley Kay grabbing her toes


Keeley Kay went over to Grandma Coni’s again for an intimate family Christmas. Grandma Coni made a delicious five star Prime Rib dinner and spoiled Keeley Kay with a plethora of gifts. Mama and Daddy got spoiled too. Grandma Coni should be called Grandma Christmas, because she loves to give!

Keeley & Grandma Coni

Prime Rib Dinner

Prime Rib Dinner

Look at all these gifts!!

Keeley Kay & Uncle Liam

Aunt Jessica, her mama Janet & Keeley Kay

The ladies!

Keeley Kay loves her Uncle Joel

Aunt Jessica loving Keeley Kay

Kiss marks!!

Daddy showing Keeley Kay the tree


For Grandma and Grandpa Keeley’s anniversary, Keeley Kay was dressed smart in a darling sweat suit from her Aunt Jessica. Mama took her out for a day of Christmas shopping where Keeley Kay turned heads, causing cluster fudge at Target. Everyone wanted to get a look at this stylish baby!!


Just because you’re going to the doctor, doesn’t mean you can’t look great! Keeley Kay wore a fierce ensemble, given to her by Grandma Coni, to her four month check up. There it was confirmed that Keeley Kay is a beefy baby, coming in at 17.7 lbs! That’s a lot of baby to love!!


You better not shout. You better not pout. You better not cry. I’m telling you why. Santa Clause is coming to town! That’s right! It was Christmas Eve and Keeley Kay had another party to attend. This time she was spending time with the Thurmans. Decked out in a festive outfit from Grandpa Jim, Keeley Kay jingle bell rocked the night away.

Keeley Kay Christmas Eve

Daddy, Keeley Kay & Cousin Rachel

Keeley Kay & Cousin Chris

Uncle Joel, Daddy & Grandpa Jim w/ Keeley Kay

Keeley Kay w/ her Grandpa Jim

Keeley Kay not cooperating for picture 

Great Grandma Rose, Daddy & Keeley Kay

Playing with Keeley Kay

Keeley Kay w/ Uncle Greg & Aunt Vicki


MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Keeley Kay must have been a girl, because Santa was good to her! Keeley Kay was not only excited about her goodies, but showed equal excitement for everyone else's presents.

Look what Santa brought Keeley Kay
Stocking were hung from the closet w/ care

First Family Christmas!

Keeley Kay looks overwhelmed

Keeley Kay loves her presents

Keeley Kay playing with Grandpa Keeley

After a wonderful a Christmas morning with Mama, Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa Keeley, it was time to head over to Aunt Shannon’s house for more Christmas fun.

Aunt Shannon & Uncle Bill

Cousin Shawn & Stephanie

Merry Christmas!

Grandpa & Grandma Keeley w/ their grandkiddies

Cousin Shissy & Zach

Having fun

Aunt Shannon playing w/ Keeley Kay

It was a wild night of karaoke, food and laughter. Keeley Kay kept up with the energy before crashing on the ride home. What a holiday season and it’s over yet!


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Just because Keeley Kay is four months old doesn’t mean she doesn’t like to party!! And party she did! Back to Aunt Shannon's to celebrate New Year's Eve and Cousin Sharissa's birthday. The Karaoke machine was hooked up and ready to go, the champagne was flowing and it was time to let loose!
Keeley Kay on New Year's Eve

First Family New Years

Grandpa & Grandma Keeley w/ Keeley Kay

Keeley Hanging with the girls

Keeley Kay w/ Aunt Shannon & Zach

Cousin Shawn & Stephanie

Mama and Keeley Kay! Happy NEW YEAR'S!!

Mama & Daddy Singing Total Eclipse of the Heart

Phew! What a month! Keeley Kay has really rocked these past four months and is ready to take on 2011. Happy New Year!

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