Sunday, July 3, 2011

Daddy's Girl


Daddy did it!!! Daddy is officially Dr. Thurman. Keeley Kay watched on proudly as Daddy walked across that stage to claim his PhD. Then it was off to Steelhead Brewery to celebrate Daddy’s accomplishments. Family and friends gathered to congratulate Daddy and have a good time. What a great way to start the month of June.


Mama was finally able to gather enough hair to make a fountain tail! Love it!

Hanging out with the cousin on this day! Mama has to keep a watchful eye, because Keeley Kay loves Shyler so much that she is a little rough. Keeley Kay likes to grab and squeeze.

Later that day, the cousins came over to enjoy Keeley Kay’s first time in the pool! She loves the water and was not a happy camper when it was time to get out. 


Now that they are neighbors, Keeley Kay spends a lot of time with her cousins. Shawn Shawn in particular has her heart. She loves to spend the morning cuddling with him, watching morning cartoons.


Today the family went to the Irish Festival! It was a day full of beer, food, dance and Irish activities. It was like St. Patrick’s Day all over again. 


Keeley Kay is definitely a Daddy’s Girl and Daddy’s first Father’s Day is extra special because of this little Princess. Keeping it low-key, Daddy had a BBQ with his brand new RED BBQ given to him by Mama. Aunt Shannon and the Cousins dropped by for the food the fun. Always the great chief, Daddy made a feast that just had to be burned off with a few laps in the pool. Isn’t it great how dads like to cook on Father’s Day? This family was sure happy.


Another pool day and Keeley Kay looks fabulous! Only thing missing is a little umbrella drink.


This is the moment when the harsh reality of being a girl hits hard. Ear piercing day!!! Yup, it was time. Mama, Daddy, Grandma and Papa Keeley took Keeley Kay to get a permanent symbol of femininity. Mama was a little worried that Miss Keeley Kay would throw a hissy fit, but she handled it like a champ! A little tears, but mostly curiosity. Mama upgraded to the blingy earrings so that Keeley Kay could sparkle like a star in the summer sun.


Today Keeley Kay turned 10 months! She’s growing up so fast! Grandma Coni came out today to spend some time in the pool with Keeley Kay. Of course Aunt Shannon, Uncle Bill and the Cousins were there to have some splishy splashy fun. What a beautiful day too! It was a relaxing day for food, pool and games.

It may be June

But there’s no gloom

Only sunshine and smiles fill the day

Whether it’s swimming or cruising

Keeley is mobile

Letting nothing slow her down

Or get in her way

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