Saturday, June 9, 2012

May Flowers


Baby Kevin LOVES his Mama!! 


Feliz Cinco De Mayo! Keeley Kay and family decided to have a little fiesta today. Grandma Coni and Grandpa Rob made the trip to the OC to visit with the grandbabies and have some fun in the sun. Today was pretty close to perfect. The kids swam, the adults drank cerveza and everyone enjoyed Daddy’s delicious carnitas!! Muy delicioso! 

Keeley Kay loves her watermelon


Disney day! Because Keeley Kay gets to go to Disneyland all the time, Mama and Daddy like to mix things up and show different her things every trip. Today Keeley Kay got to pet the animals at the petting zoo. Meeting Nicolette, the horse, was definitely a highlight. After taking the plunge on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, Keeley Kay was pleased to kiss and cuddle some of her favorite characters from Winnie the Pooh. 

Pooh ride

Although Mama likes Keeley Kay to experience something new, there is always time for some much loved stops. The Jungle Cruise is not only a classic, but one of Keeley Kay’s favorites. 

Knock out!


Daddy may have been out of town on business, but Mama still had a wonderful day because she had two very special reasons to celebrate. Keeley Kay and Baby Kevin fill Mama’s heart with joy every day and today was all about celebrating that extraordinary Mama love. 

The day was spent poolside, drinking Papa’s Pink Lemonade Cocktail and splashing around with the babies. Aunt Shannon, Uncle Bill, Shyler, Shayden, Shis, Mama and Keeley Kay kept it hot in the sun while Papa and Grandma kept it cool in the shade with Baby Kevin.

 After the family worked up quite an appetite, everyone headed over to Aunt Shannon’s for Mother’s Day Dinner. Greek was on the menu tonight and lively conversations were put on pause as the family inhaled their food. The best part? No clean up for the Mamas!!! 

Grandma and her grandbabies

Keeley Kay moving in on Shis's man



Baby Kevin is two months old and what a handsome lil man he is becoming!


CONGRATULATIONS SHARISSA!!! Yay! Shis is officially a college grad. After a long ceremony it was time for the fun part, lunch! The family gathered together for a delicious and refreshing meal at Pint House. As the beer was poured, the conversations flowed and Sharissa was showered with love. 

Shis's Dad, Shawn, and wife Irma

Shis's Mama, brothers: Shay & Shy and Bill

Brother is a little grumpy

 Later that afternoon, Sharissa was whisked away to another graduation party while the family made their way to the pool to soak up some afternoon sun.


Happy Birthday Allyson! Keeley Kay and Baby Kevin came out to play with their cousin Ally for her Monster High themed birthday party. It is always great to see the family, but today was extra special because, for some, it was their first time getting to meet Baby Kevin! 

Baby Kevin w/ Aunt Cynthia & Ariana

Keeley Kay & Aunt Joey

Keeley Kay & Cousin Bradly

Cousin Mike

Keeley Kay made a friend

Birthday Girl


Monday Disney Day! On today’s agenda Keeley Kay finally got to go on the Nemo ride. She loved the blinding bubbles and the creepy submarine sounds. Basically everything that scares normal children makes Keeley Kay squeal in delight. 

While Keeley Kay was off working on her adrenaline rush, Baby Kevin hung out with the grandparents and fed the baby duckies. 

To top off a perfect day, Princess Keeley Kay was officially crowd at dinner! 


It is graduation season and Cousin Rachel is officially a high school graduate. Since Keeley Kay is a little rambunctious, she stayed home with Grandma and Papa. However, Mama and Daddy decided to take Baby Kevin because he is easy and so that more family could have the pleasure of meeting the newest member of the Thurman Clan. The night was great, Baby Kevin was well behaved and Rachel was a superstar! 

Grandpa Jim and Baby Kevin

Meeting Baby Kevin


 Just another crazy day: a full house and wild babies. 

Mama’s handsome lil man 


Life is a beach… and a bonfire if you’re lucky. For Keeley Kay and Baby Kevin, life is good. Tonight Mama and Daddy took the kiddos to the beach to hangout with the besties for a little powwow. Although Baby Kevin couldn’t do much but sit around, his big sister had a blast playing in the sand! 




Keeley Kay is such a big girl!


Graduation time again! Yay!!! This time, Cousin Natalie celebrated her successful completion of college. Keeley Kay splashed around, while Baby Kevin got to meet the Porters for the first time. It’s always a good time with the family, but it’s never complete until the Porters are in town! Congrats Natalie!

Uncle Johnny, Derrik, Kayla & Keeley Kay

Papa, Uncle Tom, Uncle Wendell, Daddy, Keeley Kay & Bill

Aunt Nancy, Cousin Natalie, Baby Kevin, Keeley Kay & Daddy

Keeley Kay loves leaves

Cousin Sarah, Baby Kevin, Keeley Kay & Corrie

Meeting Baby Kevin

Cotton Candy...YUMMY

Summer Fruit Cupcakes by Natalie

Smore Cupcakes by Natalie


Happy Memorial Day! Keeping it simple and American, the family grilled out poolside. 


Trying to squeeze in as much Porter time as possible, the whole family got together for a Disney day. The day started with a bang when Keeley Kay got to meet Pinocchio and Gepetto. How exciting! 

After the little meet and greet, it was time to meet up with the family for lunch at the Hungry Bear. Yum! 

After a wild ride on the rockets, Keeley Kay ran into Cousin Rachel. What a pleasant surprise! 

Baby Kevin is just hanging around

So excited

Keeley Kay definitely had the most fun of the day at the Innovations discovery center, where for little while she got to play scientist! Aunt Shannon, Shyler, Shayden and Shis met up with the rest of the group just in time to have some scientific fun before the whole group rejoined for dinner at the Pizza Port. 

Friendly Rivals



Keeley Kay telling stories

Keeley Kay loves Derrik

Graduations, bonfires and Disney Days 

Loads of fun in the month of May 

With Baby Brother by her side 

No time to waste, it is time to fly 

High-speed into the month of June 

Keeley Kay and Baby Kevin will be back soon

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