Friday, April 12, 2013



This family can’t just have one celebration for a birthday. As a follow up to Shawn Shawn’s 21st the family gathered together to see him off as a limo whisked Shawn Shawn and his friends away for night of bar hopping.


Part two to Shyler’s birthday was a day at Disneyland with the family. It’s always a good day when it’s a Disney day.


Goodnight rock stars!


Keeley Kay and Kevin Ross loved meeting the Easter Bunny. Wonder what surprises Spring will bring?


Kevin Ross is ONE!! YAY!! What a big boy! Part one to his big birthday weekend was spent at the Safari Park. Kevin Ross had a wonderful day of merry-go-rounds, animals and The Butterfly Jungle. Happy Birthday sweet boy!


Feeling lucky? It’s time wear the green and get the gold. It’s St. Patrick’s Day! The family sported their green and ate like kings, feasting on corned beef, cabbage, roasted potatoes and Irish stew. Keeley Kay and Kevin Ross couldn’t get enough and ate themselves silly. To end the night, Kevin Ross got to blow out another candle for his birthday weekend.


The grand finale to Kevin Ross’s big birthday weekend was a fabulous character breakfast at Goofy’s Kitchen and a fun-filled day at Disneyland! The family partied the night away at The Mad Hatter Tea Party, where Sister Keeley Kay danced until the last song! What a great day!!


Time to decorate those Easter eggs! Keeley Kay takes her art very seriously.


Happy Easter! Brother and Sister kicked off the morning by digging into their Easter baskets and going on an Easter egg hunt. Then it was off to Great Grandma Rose’s for her traditional Easter breakfast and yet another exciting Easter egg hunt. After a busy morning, it was time to head to Aunt Shannon’s for Easter dinner and a little relaxation. 

His first year of life has gone by too fast 
A month of memories, built to last
One little candle for him to blow 
His first birthday is here, now you know 
Spring has sprung, the chick has hatched 
There's more fun to be had and that’s a fact!

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